Don’t want to dedicate a personal computer to control your show? We’ve made it easy with our ShowTime Director series. Simply create your show as normal with our ShowTime Sequencing Suite on your Microsoft Windows based computer, use a Light-O-Rama application to transfer all the show commands and audio to an SD memory card and plug that SD memory card into one of our ShowTime Directors. The Light-O-Rama ShowTime Director replaces your computer in a Light-O-Rama data network.
The miniDirector uses just one LOR data network and starts running the show as soon as power is applied or a trigger is activated. The miniDirector can handle one LOR data network.
The N2-G4-MP3 Director has a built-in clock for scheduling shows and can handle two LOR data networks.
The N4-G4-MP3 Director has a built-in clock for scheduling shows and can handle four LOR data networks.
How many typical songs and sequences will fit on one SD memory card? For 128Kbs encoded MP3 music files and average sized corresponding sequence files, a 512 MB SD card will hold about four hours of lighting commands and audio. You’ll have plenty of capacity for your shows.
uMP3g4 ShowTime miniDirector

The Light-O-Rama miniDirector is a compact, powerful show director designed to take the place of your PC. It directs a network of LOR controllers or a DMX-512 universe while simultaneously playing MP3 audio files. If there is a Light-O-Rama data network defined in the sequence, it will take precedence over the DMX-512 universe.
Three trigger inputs allow shows to be started by external events like switch closures or motion detectors.
The uMP3g4 ShowTime miniDirector is not weatherproof.
Open the Light-O-Rama ShowTime Sequencing Suite, use the built-in utility to put your show and music on an SD memory card, insert the SD card into your ShowTime miniDirector and watch the lights dance to the music. TheShowTime miniDirector runs your show as soon as power is applied or a trigger is activated. The miniDirector has no real-time clock for scheduling shows.
How do you use a uMP3g4 miniDirector?

1. The Light-O-Rama ShowTime Sequencing Suite works on your personal computer running Microsoft Windows and allows you to design your own shows. When your show is ready, the show commands and audio are transferred to a standard SD memory card.
2. The standard SD memory card with all the show commands and audio is plugged into your ShowTime miniDirector. The computer running your ShowTime Sequencing Suite is no longer needed.
3. The ShowTime miniDirector (ShowTime runs your show and is typically powered from a nearby controller.)
4. The ShowTime miniDirector can run your show continuously anytime power is supplied or use external triggering device such as a push button or motion sensor.
5. The ShowTime miniDirector has a standard stereo 1/8″ mini-jack for connecting the audio to your sound system.
6. (upper example) The Light-O-Rama high voltage AC light controllers include special effects such as simple on/off, intensities, smooth fading, twinkling, shimmering. Over 200 controllers can be daisy chained and mixed/matched on one LOR network giving you the ability to command thousands of channels. Need more channels? Add another Light-O-Rama network.
7. (upper example) Electrical power is supplied to the controller placed close to your lights so you don’t need to run long extension cords. Commands from the ShowTime Sequencing Suite are performed on each controller. Power to each of the attached lighting circuits is controlled independently.
8. (lower example) Smart pixel controller including Cosmic Color and Pixie controllers.
9. (lower example) Smart pixel packages such as a 16×25 (16 vertical strands of 25) or 16×50 (16 vertical strands) pixel trees.
N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director (with real-time clock)

The fourth generation N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director unit is simple to operate. It's designed to control four data networks of Light-O-Rama controllers while simultaneously playing MP3 music files. Create an SD memory card with your show commands, music and schedule using our ShowTime Sequencing Suite, insert the card in the ShowTime Director and you’re done. The Director will run the show based on the predetermined schedule.
The N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director supports four high-speed 1000Kbps networks for big displays containing large numbers of smart pixels. Don't need four networks but want the real time clock? Try the N2-G4-MP3 instead.
SD cards up to 32GB are supported.
The unit is housed in a rugged steel housing with convenient mounting slots on the sides. It can be placed on a desktop or mounted in a suitable enclosure for outdoor use. This unit performs in temperatures down to -40 degrees and typically powers itself from a nearby Light-O-Rama controller. 6.5″w x 2.75″h x 1.25″d. The N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director is not weatherproof.
Pop out the SD card at any time and insert another to switch shows and/or schedules. The N4-G4-MP3 Director will start the new SD card shows when the card is inserted, as specified by the schedules and/or in response to input triggers. The Director can be powered by a nearby Light-O-Rama controller, so you just turn on power to the controller to start the show. The ShowTime Director can also be powered by your external 12VDC power supply that you can turn on and off to control the show.
The ShowTime Director can also control DMX-512 universes (one on each data network). The sequences must only have DMX-512 universes defined in them. If there is a Light-O-Rama data network defined in the sequence, it will take precedence over any DMX-512 universe.
Need input triggers?
The N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director has six external triggers built in. Connect each to a button and link the button to a specific show. When the viewer pushes the button the appropriate show is played. Special note: the ShowTime Director does not accommodate InputPup triggers.
How do you use an MP3 Director with multiple network ports? (N2-G4-MP3 or N4-G4-MP3)

1. The Light-O-Rama ShowTime Sequencing Suite works on your personal computer running Microsoft Windows and allows you to design your own shows. When your show is ready, the show commands and audio are transferred to a standard SD memory card.
2. The standard SD memory card with all the show commands and audio is plugged into your ShowTime Director. The computer running your ShowTime Sequencing Suite is no longer needed.
3. The N2-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director shown replacing the computer.
4. The ShowTime Director can run your show continuously, automatically start/shows shows from it’s built-in clock or use an external triggering device such as a push button or motion sensor.
5. The ShowTime Director has a standard stereo 1/8″ mini-jack for connecting the audio to your sound system or FM transmitter.
6. The Light-O-Rama professional or residential high voltage AC light controllers include special effects such as simple on/off, intensities, smooth fading, twinkling, shimmering. Over 200 controllers can be daisy chained, mixed and matched on one LOR network giving you the ability to command thousands of channels. Need more channels? Add another Light-O-Rama network.
7. Electrical power is supplied to the controller placed close to your lights so you don’t need to run long extension cords. Commands from the ShowTime Sequencing Suite via the ShowTime Director are performed on each controller. Power to each of the attached lighting circuits is controlled independently.
8. The N2-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director can run two dedicated data networks. The networks can be configured as ‘high-speed’ and perfect for high-channel-count pixel displays using our Cosmic Color Ribbons, Bulbs and Pixels.
9. Multiple Cosmic Color Ribbon, Bulbs and Pixel devices connected.
Using multiple N4-G4-MP3 Directors
Want to get even bigger? You can have multiple N4-G4-MP3 Directors and sync them together over a standard LOR data network or wirelessly.

1. The Light-O-Rama ShowTime Sequencing Suite works on your personal computer running Microsoft Windows and allows you to design your own shows. When your show is ready, the show commands and audio are transferred to a standard SD memory card.
2. The standard SD memory card with all the show commands and audio is plugged into your ShowTime Director. The computer running your ShowTime Sequencing Suite is no longer needed.
3. The N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director shown replacing the computer.
4. The ShowTime Director can run your show continuously, automatically start/shows shows from it’s built-in clock or use an external triggering device such as a push button or motion sensor.
5. The ShowTime Director has a standard stereo 1/8″ mini-jack for connecting the audio to your sound system or FM transmitter.
6. The Light-O-Rama professional or residential high voltage AC light controllers include special effects such as simple on/off, intensities, smooth fading, twinkling, shimmering. Over 200 controllers can be daisy chained, mixed and matched on one LOR network giving you the ability to command thousands of channels. Need more channels? Add another Light-O-Rama network.
7. Electrical power is supplied to the controller placed close to your lights so you don’t need to run long extension cords. Commands from the ShowTime Sequencing Suite via the ShowTime Director are performed on each controller. Power to each of the attached lighting circuits is controlled independently.
8. The N4-G4-MP3 ShowTime Director can run four dedicated data networks. The networks can be configured as ‘high-speed’ and perfect for high-channel-count pixel displays using our Cosmic Color Ribbons, Bulbs and Pixels.
9. Multiple Cosmic Color Ribbon, Bulbs and Pixel devices connected.