Input Pup

SKU: InputPup

Make your display interactive with 8 inputs!


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Make your display interactive! The InputPup allows you to connect up to 8 inputs to your LOR network. What's an "input?" Have a big button out front that kids can push to start the show. Put one by your door so when someone steps on a pressure pad your show starts. Add a trigger of a passive infrared detector located by the street to sense vehicles and start a show when one gets close. 

Multiple Input Pups can be used to increase available inputs. Use of input triggers requires version 2.1.2 or higher of the Light-O-Rama Software Suite and requires that your show be run from your PC.

The Input Pup provides connections for Gnd, (+9vdc power input) and 8 Trigger Inputs. Power is usually provided by accessory power found on the Cat5 cable. If accessory power is not available on the LOR network, power can be provided using a 9vdc power supply. For increased reliability, the InputPup's inputs are optically isolated. Inputs are also ESD protected meeting the IEC 61000-4-2 level 4 standards: 15 kV (air discharge), 8 kV (contact discharge).