Sequence Details
Song Title: Like It's Christmas
Artist: The Jonas Brothers
Duration: 3:20
Purchase Music: Amazon Music Link
Video Samples
Video Sample - RGBPlus Layout (and Singing Faces)
Video Sample - Traditional Layout
Exchange and Upgrade Dates
Traditional Layout RTG to YCM Upgrade Dates: Purchased within 3 years = full credit; 3-5 years = half credit; more than 5 years = no discount.
RGBPlus Layout Release Date: May 1, 2024
Exchange Credit Date Range for Previous Purchase (Traditional RTG/YCM to RGBPlus): N/A
Exchange Credit Date Range for New Purchase (Traditional RTG/YCM to RGBPlus): One Year From YOUR Purchase Date
Please see the 'Upgrades' tab for more detailed information about discount and exchange credit.
Store sequences may be available in the following formats (depending on the song):
Traditional Layout – Ready To Go (v3.8.0+):
- This sequence layout has 68 AC channels and 32 dumb pixels (like 10W floods).
- No effects for smart pixel props or singing faces are included.
- The sequence is encrypted so no changes can be made (no props can be added), and you cannot see or modify any sequence effects.
Traditional Layout – You Can Modify (v3.8.0+):
- This version of our 68 AC channel and 32 dumb pixel layout can be modified so that you can modify or duplicate the effects to fill up to 240 AC controllers for your customized layout.
- You can add in your own smart pixel props and effects to this version of our sequence, but no effects for smart pixel props or singing faces are included. Purchasing a You Can Modify sequences allow you to see how the experts create effects.
RGBPlus Layout – You Can Modify (listed per sequence. v5.6.0+ or v6.2.0+):
- This version of the sequence contains sequencing effects for nearly 7000 smart pixels (84 smart pixel props).
- 68 AC channels and 16 of the dumb pixel floods have been added to this layout, but effects have been altered from the Traditional Layout to account for the inclusion of smart RGB props.
- Singing Face sequencing is also included in this layout.
- The RGBPlus version is only available in modifiable format so that you can make edits or transfer the sequencing effects to your own preview with ease. Depending on the song, RGBPlus may be available in the Christmas Layout, Halloween Layout, or a discounted Combo ("C+H") Package.
Singing Face Standalone - You Can Modify (Trees v5.3.0+; Pumpkins v6.2.0+):
- This 'addon sequence' includes effects for Light-O-Rama V1 4-Mouth Trees and current V2 10-Mouth Trees, or V2 10-Mouth Pumpkins. Combo Packages ("C+H") have both the files for Trees and Pumpkins included (for applicable songs).
- Using Singing Face Standalone Sequences with Light-O-Rama Singing Faces Props does NOT require the purchase of any other Light-O-Rama sequence for use.
- All RGBPlus sequences already contain effects for the respective set of faces for the holiday layout. RTG and YCM Sequences in the Traditional Layout do NOT contain effects for any singing faces.
- You may manually copy the sequencing effects from a Singing Face Standalone Sequences into your own display, or into a purchased Traditional YCM sequence for the same song.
- These sequences will not work with 5 mouth AC singing faces.
- Usage with other vendor's smart pixel singing faces may vary and will require copy and paste to use.
- Singing Face Standalone Sequences may NOT be used with a protected Traditional Layout RTG sequence. These sequence files are NOT 'Motion Paks' (discontinued Oct '22). They will NOT merge automatically into other sequences.
This sequence purchase does NOT include a music file.
Light-O-Rama is great at making the lights dance but the required music is not part of the sequence or the sequence price. We suggest purchasing this music through Amazon (or the alternative link provided on the first tab) so it is licensed to you for personal use.
The duration of the music must be the length we specify. Any other music version might cause the effects in this sequence not to be in time with the music.
The music files you purchase must be downloaded to your computer. The Sequencer cannot access cloud-based files stored only in Amazon Music. If you do not download music files immediately after purchase, visit the 'Amazon Cloud Player.' Find the appropriate music for your sequence (the music you just purchased), drag it to the download section of the screen (typically on the right side of the Amazon Cloud Player window) and wait until the file is transferred to your computer. After this is complete, you can run the installer program that came with your sequence purchase.
What if Amazon removed the music? From time to time, Amazon removes the ability to purchase the music we've recommended to go with our sequence. If this happens, please send a message to our help desk to let us know.
Amazon.com not available in your country? Locate the music in your country and purchase the file. Make sure the music is the same duration as we require for this sequence. Download the music file to your computer. Now install this newly purchased Light-O-Rama sequence. The Light-O-Rama installation program will find the downloaded music associated with the new sequence and link everything together if the music file is the same length.
Commercial Entities: If you charge for entry to see your show, you will need an extra form of music licensing, such as from BMI, ASCAP, SESAC, etc. Your finance department should have more information about which music you are licensed to use already, or be able to fill out the application for a new license if needed.
How do you install this sequence on your computer?
You should already have a working version of Light-O-Rama's ShowTime Sequencing Suite software installed on your Windows based computer before downloading this sequence.
The music for the sequence should already be purchased before you attempt to install the sequence on your computer. You can find the Amazon link in the 'Description' tab.
- Traditional Layout ‘Ready To Go’ and “You Can Modify’ sequences require LOR 3.8.0 or higher. The license level you use (Basic, Standard, Pro, etc.) determines how many controllers you can use.
- RGBPlus sequences require either version 5.6.0 or later, or 6.2.0 or later (depending on when it was released). The version required is indicated right above the purchase price of each sequence. You must be using the 'Pro' license level to use any of the smart RGB effects in the sequence.
- Singing Face Standalone sequences require version 5.3.0 or later at the Advanced or Pro license level.
The ShowTime Sequencing Suite is available at several different levels. The level determines how many light controllers the sequence will operate.
- Demo: See all the features and effects, but no commands are sent to any controllers
- Basic: Will work with AC controller ID 01 and 02
- Basic Plus: Will work with AC controller ID 01, 02, 03 and 04
- Standard: Will work with AC controller ID 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08
- Advanced: Will work with all AC or CMB24D controllers, including ID 20 through 2F. Will NOT control smart pixel props that use Motion Effects.
- Pro: Will work with all controllers and Unit IDs. Required for the use of the smart RGB effects in the RGBPlus sequences.
After purchasing this sequence, an email will be sent to you with download instructions. Download the zip folder following the instructions. Open the folder and double click on the installer program (.exe) inside. The installer will prompt you to locate the music on your computer, which you should have already purchased using the Amazon link before attempting to install this sequence.
The program will unpack the sequence and install it in your default ShowTime Sequencing Suite directory. Upon completion, open up the Light-O-Rama Sequencer and navigate to the newly installed sequence in your default sequence directory.
If the audio is not working (it should work automatically though if you located it during the installer prompt), open the Sequencer program, click on the menu options Sequence -> Media File. navigate to the correct music in your audio directory, select it and save your work. Watch this video if you need a visual: https://youtu.be/pKfytk4N_eU
For more detailed installation instructions (like troubleshooting, learning how to put the effects from our sequence into your own layout, modifying your networks, or adding your shows to an SD card), click here.
Personal Use License
The purchase of this sequence as a residential customer licenses you to use the sequence file and effects at one location (generally a home residence). Light-O-Rama retains the sole licensing rights to sell this sequence and all modified versions of this sequence. By purchasing this sequence, you agree that the sequence will be for personal use only at one location and not shared or resold in any way.
If you are discovered reselling or sharing purchased Light-O-Rama sequences, it will result in immediate revocation of your sequence download/usage access with no refund of your purchase. Depending on the extent of the sharing or selling, your license may be temporarily suspended until appropriate compensation has been paid to Light-O-Rama.
Commercial Use License
If purchasing as a commercial client, Light-O-Rama sequences may not be re-sold or used at multiple for-profit locations per purchase. One sequence must be purchased per commercial location, or other for-profit entities with multi-location shows. This will result in your purchasing multiple copies of the same sequence, one per location. Please contact us regarding a custom order for multi-location licensing.
Light-O-Rama retains the sole licensing rights to sell this sequence and all modified versions of this sequence.
Discovery of sequence reselling, sharing, or unauthorized multi sequence use will result in immediate revocation of your sequence download/usage access with no refunds until the outstanding multi-location balance fee is paid.
You MUST contact our helpdesk for credit BEFORE purchasing. This discount is not automatic.
Upgrading a (RTG) 'Ready To Go' Sequences to (YCM) 'You Can Modify'
- RTG Sequence purchased less than 3 years ago: Up to $24.99 discount towards YCM
- RTG Sequence purchased between 3-5 years ago: Up to $12.49 discount towards YCM
- RTG Sequence purchased more than 5 years ago: No discount towards YCM.
Exchanging a Traditional Layout RTG/YCM for RGBPlus (new RGBPlus release)
- RTG purchased between Jan. 1 of PRIOR year and RGBPlus release date: Your RTG purchase price in credit towards RGBPlus (Up to $24.99)
- YCM purchased between Jan. 1 of PRIOR year and RGBPlus release date: Your YCM purchase price in credit towards RGBPlus (Up to $49.99)
Exchanging a Traditional Layout RTG/YCM for RGBPlus - RTG/YCM Purchased after RGBPlus version is already available
- One year from the date of YOUR Traditional Layout RTG/YCM purchase (equal to your purchase price)
RGBPlus Halloween/Christmas Combo Packages:
- Certain songs are available in both the Halloween and Christmas Layout. You can buy both at a discount for $89.99.
- If you buy one holiday's version then later decide you'd like the other, you have three years from YOUR PURCHASE DATE to reach out to our help desk for credit towards the other holiday's RGBPlus version prior to placing your order, equal to the amount you paid for the first RGBPlus sequence.
Standalone Singing Face Sequence
- No discount credit is available if you own an SFSA sequence and choose to purchase RGBPlus
- No discount credit is offered to upgrade a Motion Pak (discontinued Oct. 2022) to an SFSA sequence. New sequencing for 10 mouth faces have been added in SFSA sequences. Motion Paks can be used with 4 mouth or 10 mouth faces in 4 mouth mode.
- For sequences with both a Christmas and Halloween RGBPlus layout option available, both the Trees and Pumpkins are included in your singing face standalone purchase, indicated by "C+H." A Pumpkin only sequence will have an "H" in the name; Trees only will have no additional letter.
- If you previously purchased a Singing Tree SFSA sequence and a combo pack with pumpkins is made available after your purchase, please contact the help desk with your order number to upgrade to the Combo version for free.
Refund Policy
Refunds or exchanges are not available for any sequences once they have been downloaded to your computer since they are digital files. (Our system shows us if you've downloaded a sequence or not from your purchase.)
If you mistakenly ordered a sequence and have NOT downloaded the file, please contact the helpdesk within 3 days and include your order number for information about a refund.