Check Order Shipping Status
To check how soon we'll be shipping your order, enter your order number below. This will be something like "#L-12345678", you can find this in the initial purchase email. Software purchases are immediately applied and no physical items are sent.
Different items in our store have different processing/packing times (such as 3-5 business days, 6-8 business days, etc.). This information is listed on every product purchase page under 'Add to Cart.' Your order must be made before 12:00pm eastern for that day to count as a business day. Weekends and holidays are not considered business days. The item in your order with the LONGEST estimated processing/packing time determines when your full order will ship. If you need your items more quickly, please contact the help desk for more information about how to split-ship your order and submit payment for additional shipping charges, or to pay for a faster shipping rate that will apply to your full order after we reach your order in our packing queue. |