The iDMX1000 has been discontinued. This page is still available with limited stock so that alternatives to the iDMX can be viewed in the next tab.
The iDMX1000 is an intelligent DMX interface that connects a Light-O-Rama (LOR) network with a DMX Universe. This module provides intelligent channels that can perform enhanced LOR effects such as fade and twinkle. In addition, the iDMX1000 can act as a standalone director and it can be used to simultaneously control a LOR Network and/or a DMX Universe. Sophisticated, easy to use, pc-based configuration. One-to-one channel mapping allows for ultimate flexibility with no need to “waste” channels because of block allocations.
The iDMX can be powered, via the Cat5, by the other controllers in the LOR network ( which is the standard configuration). To power externally, you would use the 12 volt wall transformer.
An iDMX is not the only way to control DMX fixtures with Light-O-Rama. You may not even need and iDMX in your display. Learn more about alternative options by clicking here.
How does it all connect?

1. The Light-O-Rama ShowTime Sequencing Suite works on your personal computer running Microsoft Windows and allows you to design your own shows. The ShowTime Sequencing Suite then runs your shows and sends the right commands at the right time to the various control channels. The ShowTime Sequencing Suite can even keep music synchronized to the controller commands.
2. Speakers to play the music accompanying your show are attached to the computer sound card.
3. Your personal computer communicates to the controllers using a device plugged into your computer’s serial or USB communications port. The blue line shows the standard serial output of your computer (RS-232 or USB) out of your PC where it enters our converter that transforms the signal to the native Light-O-Rama network protocol (the green line) that connects to our various types of controllers over standard computer network wire. We recommend Cat 5 LAN cables available from us and off-the-shelf from your local big box store in the computer section.
4. The Light-O-Rama professional or residential high voltage AC light controllers include special effects such as simple on/off, intensities, smooth fading, twinkling, shimmering. Over 200 controllers can be daisy chained, mixed and matched on one LOR network giving you the ability to command thousands of channels. Need more channels? Add another Light-O-Rama network.
5. Electrical power is supplied to the controller placed close to your lights so you don’t need to run long extension cords. Commands from the Software Sequencing Suite are performed on each controller. Power to each of the attached lighting circuits is controlled independently. Think of having many dimmer switches that the computer can change very quickly and independently.
6. Connection to a DMX-512 universe using the Light-O-Rama iDMX1000 converter.
7. DMX-512 controlled lights and fixtures in the same universe
View the manual for the iDMX here.