PRO Series LOR1602Wg3-MP3g4 - 240v

SKU: LOR1602Wg3-MP3g4-240v

A 30amp 240v Professional Series AC lighting controller. Use with traditional LED or incandescent lights. Built in Showtime Director included.

This product is no longer available for the 2024 season.


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The LOR1602Wg3-MP3g4 is a 16 channel weather resistant light controller with a built in N2-G4-MP3 Director. Each of the 16 independent channels has a number of special effects such as dimming, ramping, twinkle and shimmer. This controller can be used in a display for Christmas, Halloween, or any other event.

This controller is configured for 240v environments.

The built in G4-MP3 Director is a compact, powerful Light-O-Rama Show Director with a MP3 Player that is designed to take the place of your PC and eliminates the need for an additonal standalone Showtime Director. It directs one or two high speed networks of Light-O-Rama controllers while simultaneously playing MP3 audio files. The on-board real-time clock with power-fail back can be used to schedule shows. Six trigger inputs allow shows to be started by external events, usually momentary switches and/or motion detectors.

The LOR1602W is built in a weather resistant case allowing it to be used for your outdoor displays. The LOR1602W-Mp3 has a 30 Amp capacity.

Includes a 32Gb SD card and a USB card reader to transfer shows from your PC to the SD card.

Note: Software is not included. Need Software? We recommend that you purchase the Generic Starter Package to receive the software at a discount.